Cover Design

Cover Artwork Design


Klassisch. Modern. Postmodern.

Cover Designs, optimiert für Print und digitale Kanäle.


Zeichnungen, Paintings, CG


Realistisch. Abstrakt. Justice League.

Illustrierte Covers

layout - cover artwork

Studio, On-Set, Retouching


Imperial Fleet. Paparazzi. Mondlandung.

Fotoshootings fürs Cover Design



Jewel box, Brilliant Box, Digipack, Digisleeve, Stecktasche

Concept art – Just an alien having coffee

ALIEN DESIGN – CONCEPT ARTWe’re working on some backgrounds, machinery and creatures for The Industry Project.Creating concepts for movies is no easy task though. It requires lots of coffee to stay focused, even for aliens. Here are some early ‘polished’ concepts and...

Blastertruck One Artwork

Blastertruck One ArtworkBleistift, Digitalpainting, Grafikdesign, Typography Das Flyer Artwork zum ersten Event von Sammali Events das am 19.2.2016 in der Grabenhalle in St.Gallen statt finden wird! 

CD Cover Artwork – Izamanya

CD Cover Artwork - IzamanyaCD cover design for Second Life, the new EP by Izamanya.Project Website: Tracks:1 WARRIOR OF THE HEART2 DON'T WANNA DIE BEFORE I DIE3 I'VE BEEN WAITING4 PISSIN' IZA LOOSLI – VOCALS MANY MAURER – GUITARS / BASS PETER HAAS – DRUMS...

Album Artwork Graphic Designer

Graphic Design for Album ArtworkGraphic Design, Illustration, Photography Design for bands and artists. We are specialised in creating artwork for bands and artists. Using the right technique, illustration, digital painting, graphic design, photography, etc. to get...

8 Inspiring Design Quotes

8 Inspiring Design Quotes We love quotes, especially if they're related to creativity & design.Here a few cool, funny and of course creative quotes that inspire us from exceptional Designers:“Commercial Art tries to make you buy things. Graphic Design gives you...

Foreign Genome Digital Art

Concept Art | Character DesignWe are working on some creature designs for the Industry Project. Since we aren't sure which direction to take with these particular creatures, we're approaching it looking at some abstract shapes and forms to find something new.So we...

Single Cover Artwork – Jade Sea Blue

Single Cover Artwork  'Boy 2 a Man' - Jade Sea Blue Co-Written & Produced by Dreadlox Holmes Graphic Design, Photo Retouching, Typography Design by Links: iTunes - -